
You know how any moment can transcend into a holy moment?

You can be numbly working your way through washing a pile of dirty dishes when suddenly, a wave of gratefulness washes over you.

Nothing really happened to trigger it, except seeing your kids outside the kitchen window playing in the yard. Or you suddenly become intensely thankful for a friendship. There must be a source of that gratitude. Love.

Joy can surprise anyone with its signature arrival in the midst of grief. Tear-filled eyes finding each other. The reunion of separated family members. The celebration of a life loved and lost. What is the source of that joy? Love.

So is it Love that we are tapping into during these moments of transcendence? That’s what we’re doing, isn’t it? Transcending? Is enlightenment the product of one’s intentional search for meaning? Or…doesn’t beauty always find us where we least expect it? Isn’t the truth so obvious when we finally realize it? Almost like it had been there all along…

“And then it hit me“ is the best language we seem to have to describe how an epiphany feels. It’s never the result of overthinking or accumulated knowledge on our end. It’s almost as if it is from an external force.

Maybe the question isn’t if we are tapping into Love, but rather if Love is tapping into us? Maybe each time humanity progresses forward, it’s less because we’ve transcended and more because all that is holy and good continues to DEscend to us.

For some reason, Heaven continues to pursue us. The hopeless keep finding hope. The outcasts keep finding a home. The broken keep finding healing. Those who deserve punishment keep finding grace. Failures keep finding another chance.

It’s as if we are all loved beyond our wildest dreams. It’s as if we aren’t made only of disappointing dirt. We also bear the image of goodness itself. We are equal parts soil and stardust. We aren’t a problem to be solved, but rather a treasure to be revealed.

So I’ll keep chasing Love. My ears are constantly tuned to the melody of grace. My eyes are open to seeing the beauty in anyone. My mind is open to curiosity and change. My heart is open to a new way to love. It’s quite the way to live! Amazingly, the well never runs dry. It’s truly a stream in the desert of this life. Those holy moments multiply, and what used to feel occasional is the new normal. Every day is holy.

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